While each timeline may vary slightly, you may find using the following list helpful to navigate through your purchase and stay on top of what’s next.
preparation and listing phase
Consider getting an appraisal and a pre-listing home inspection
Interview agents (REALTOR® Consultation)
Hire a REALTOR® (Listing Agreement)
Obtain a home warranty to cover major repairs during the listing and after the home inspection.
Stage home for optimum photography and showing results
Professional listing photography is completed.
Property enters the MLS and showings begin.
Tidy daily for last-minute showings
Leave lights and lamps on for scheduled showings
Remove pets for scheduled showings
Discuss showing feedback with REALTOR® (when provided by showing agent)
Consider condition, market conditions, and price at every 30 day interval with no offer
Offer received - discuss all terms with REALTOR®
Draft counter-offer or sign acceptance
Get copies of all executed documents from your REALTOR®
Note dates and times of scheduled inspections and be sure all utilities are ON for inspections (all inspections must be completed and the repair request list must be received by the 10th business day of the executed contract unless otherwise agreed to in writing)
Review repair request list submitted by buyer (unless an “as is” purchase)
Draft response to repair request list and sign (the what and the how must be explained)
The appraisal is ordered by the buyer or buyer’s lender once all repairs are negotiated
Begin making agreed repairs
Pest inspection (done 2 weeks prior to closing)
Review pest inspection results with your REALTOR®, order treatment or repairs if needed
Confirm appraisal result with your REALTOR® (if value is less than contract price, consult your agent)
Begin making preparations to move (reserve moving truck, begin packing, sign lease, etc.)
Verify that all sellers’ drivers licenses are valid and are not expired
Review settlement statement with your REALTOR®
Notify utility companies of day of service transfer (usually the first business day following the closing)
Prepare for final walk-through (usually the day before or the day of closing) Buyer and their agent will return with home inspector to check that repairs were made according to the agreement
Closing Day!
I’m happy to provide a market analysis!
paula brahan, realtor®
Realty Executives
The Executive Team, Inc.
601-606-6686 or 601-268-1600